KDC Headphone Smart Speech Plugin

1.2.1 ยท 25 Jun 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

I see a message like "@versionnew=1073748423" but nothing else happens.

You need to have an RLV compatible viewer (like firestorm) and RLV/RLVa must be enabled.

I've added the plugin but nothing happens.

The main reason this happens is that the KDC activator hudKDC Documentation was not attached. Please attach it and it should start to work as expected.

You can detach the hud again afterward and it will continue to work until you detach of the mask

People say there is hovertext over my head, but I can't see it

If you have configured the headphones to show a hovertextcfg_ShowHoverText=Yes
KDC Documentation
and local chat passthrough is enabled, your hovertext will show the configured distances. To not spoil you, everyone else can see these distances, but you can't.